WP 1 – Project scientific and administrative coordination

CREAM Steering Committee Meeting and Kick-off meeting

CREAM project has started in 1st May 2011, and the Steering Committee Meeting and the Kick-off Meeting were held at the FAO headquarters in Rome from 23rd to 25th May. Thirty-two persons participated, representing all project partners as well as the different institutions that conform the External Advisory Committee (FAO, GFCM, BSC, ICAAT, UNEP/MAP-RAC/SPA). The Scientific Officer of the European Commission in charge of the project also took part actively in the Kick-off Meeting. The Meetings were the occasion for the members of the Consortium to first meet in person, and to discuss about the project work plan and scientific issues. The main objective was to plan the next steps for carrying out the project activities, as well as to delineate the communication and reporting common strategies. The next meeting will be held around May 2012 in a place to be determined.

The Kick-off Meeting of the CREAM Coordinating Action was held at FAO headquarters in Rome on 24-25 May 2011. This first meeting also constituted the First General Assembly of CREAM. General assemblies are planned to be held at annual intervals.
Download the Minutes of the kick-off meeting (Deliverable 1.4)

The 1st Coordination Meeting was held in Varna, Bulgaria on 18-19 April 2012.

Download the Minutes of Coordination Meeting (Deliverable 1.5)

The 2nd Coordination Meeting was held in Malta, on 16 April 2013


Download the Minutes of Coordination Meeting (Deliverable 1.7)

The 3rd Coordination Meeting was held in Barcelona, Spain on 8 April 2014


Download the Minutes of Coordination Meeting (Deliverable 1.8)

WP 2 – Current understandings in stock assessment and fishery effects on ecosystems
WP Leader: CIBM
To collate information on the extent of scientific research on fishery data collection in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. To critically review the available knowledge and the methodologies applied in stock assessment and EAF, to identify data, research gaps and opportunities to improve research coordination.

The 1st WP2 Workshop was held at FAO/GFCM headquarters in Rome on 30-31 May 2012. Its main objective was to perform a common work, with all the partners, to summarize and critically analyze the current understandings on EAF available for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The Workshop was attended by 21 participants representing all the partners of CREAM.
Download the Workshop Report (Deliverable 2.2)

The 2nd WP2 Workshop was held in Malta on 17 April 2013, with the title "Comparative analysis of the management systems adopted in different countries/GSAs of Mediterranean and Black Sea". During this workshop, a review of the results achieved to the present, including a summary of the information received from the partners and a comparison of the main management systems (characteristics and typology) according to wide areas and main typology of fisheries.
Download the Workshop Report (Deliverable 2.4)

The information gathered by Task 2.1 (Critical analysis of the current understandings on the resource assessment and on the ecosystem impact of the fisheries in Mediterranean and Black Sea) and Task 2.2 (Comparative analysis of the management systems adopted in different countries/GSAs of Mediterranean and Black Sea) have been summarized leading to Deliverable 2.5 "Synoptic tables summarizing the information gathered"
Download the full Report (Deliverable 2.5)

WP 3 – Data needs, quality, harmonization, methodologies and models for EAF
Based on existing data, to propose a series of key prioritized indicators, models and methodologies for the implementation of the EAF in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Develop data collection protocols, quality evaluation and methods for dissemination of the information.

Deliverable 3.1
State of the art on data collection, background and list of potential indicators for an EAF in the Mediterranean and Black seas
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Deliverable 3.2
Overview of data available in support of an EAF in the Mediterranean and Black sea, and evaluation of their quality
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Deliverable 3.3
Report on proposed indicators, models, methodologies and reference points for the EAF in Mediterranean and Black Sea
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Deliverable 3.4
Proposal of standards for a public website, EAF dashboard and GIS in support of the EAF
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WP 4 – Coordination with the assessment and management international/regional bodies
WP Leader: CSIC
Coordinate and harmonize data collection, research and management activities carried out by international/regional bodies regarding the EAF implementation in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

The WP4 kick-off meeting took place on 25 May 2011, with the participation of all project members and representatives of five regional organisms (FAO, GFCM, ICCAT, BSC and UNEP RAC/SPA). In addition to the representatives of FAO, GFCM, ICCAT, BSC and UNEP RAC/SPA, other potential regional organisms that might be interested in CREAM results are: CIESM, UNEP MAP and SGMED. During the meeting, there were presentations by individual regional organisms of their activities in relation to EAF and a discussion on the elements necessary for EAF implementation in Mediterranean and Black Sea and establishing a network on EAF. The presentations made at this kick-off meeting are a good starting point to enhance cooperation and avoid overlap. CREAM may enhance the visibility of EAF initiatives by RFMOs and conservation agencies. CREAM will help identify information gaps, shortcomings and training needs of Regional Bodies.
Download the Minutes of the workshop (Deliverable 4.1)

Deliverable 4.2
Summary report on the knowledge in the assessment and management of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries
Download the full Report

The WP4 Intermediate Meeting took place at the GFCM Headquarters, in Rome on 29 May. 2012. The objectives of this meeting were to monitor the progress regarding EAF carried out by the international organizations andenhancing synergies among the organisations during the development of the Coordination Action.
Download the Minutes of the workshop (Deliverable 4.3)

Deliverable 4.4
Report of the final meeting
Download the full report

WP 5 – Training and capacity building. Dissemination

Disseminating the Coordination Action findings to a wide target audience composed primarily of fisheries managers and policy makers. Addressed not only to researchers of the countries participating in the project but also to stakeholders, NGOs, and other scientists of all Mediterranean and Black Seas riparian countries. Tools: website, leaflets, workshops, advanced training courses, final conference, publications.

Two international training courses have been organised:

- Course 1. Ecosystem approach to fisheries in the Mediterranean and BlackSeas. Scientific basis. Date and venue: Varna (Bulgaria), 3-7 February 2014.

- Course 2. Ecosystem approach to fisheries in the Mediterranean and BlackSeas. Management and decision making. Date and venue: Zaragoza (Spain), 10-14 March 2014

Deliverable 5.5
Report of the International Training Courses
Download the full report

Also, an International Dissemination Conference (IDC) on "Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in the Mediterranean and BlackSeas" has been be organised in Barcelona, Spain, on 9-10 April 2014. This Conference put special emphasis on practical applications and socio-political recommendations derived from the project, and was addressed to European and Non-European Mediterranean and Black Sea decision-makers, stakeholders and scientists concerned by fisheries and environmental management.

Deliverable 5.6
Proceedings of the International Dissemination Conference
Download the full report

For the Conference, a special Issue of the Journal "Sciencia Marina" (The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Seas”; Sci. Mar. 78S1: 2014) with contributions to the Conference was published for the Conference and one book was handed to each of the participants. This publication is also available at:

Deliverable 5.4
Publication of peer-reviewed scientific contributions to IDC

WP 6 – Strengthening the scientific basis for building a generic framework to implement EAF in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Establishing a network that will coordinate scientific research to make EAF operational.

WP Leader: IRD
The objective is strengthening the scientific basis for building a generic framework to implement EAF in the Mediterranean and Black Seas and establishing a network that will coordinate scientific research to make EAF operational

Deliverable 6.1
Executive Report of the intermediate meeting including a scientific strategy to achieve EAF objectives for 2020
Download the full Report

WP6 will organize a workshop in Split, Croatia, on 9-10 October 2013 to analyse the steps required to develop a scientific strategy to implement EAF in the Mediterranean and Black seas.

Deliverable 6.2
Executive Report of the final meeting including the discussion regarding how to build an operational scientific network for implementing EAF in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
Download the full Report

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